
Best LED Source

Best LED Source
One of the amazing factors about LED is that they are able to produce a variety of colors which are bright and clear. Unlike conventional lighting devices, LED is able to mix and combine various shades of colors as they have a rich source of RGB (Red, Green and Blue) elements.
Naturally, the more combinations are available, the more colors and shades will be available. This means that using more RGB bulbs will allow the particular LED devices to produce more colors and surely more variations of a specific hue which means that the device can be used in larger screens and display panels.
LED source is commonly used to depict how rich the colors of a specific LED device will be. This type of specification is commonly depicted in terms of R, G and B. They are used in most LED modules while there are some which are installed onto LED strips that can produce many color combinations.
The LED Source information comes in many forms which defines the number of bulbs available in a specific module. At R4, G4, B4, it means that each unit is made up of 4 red bulbs, 4 green and 4 blue bulbs respectively.
The intensity of a specific color depends fully on how many bulbs are equipped into each unit. There are certain LED modules which come with larger components in which they are depicted at R12, G 12 and B12. This is popularly used in larger LED components and those that are intended for larger spaces for display. In this context, it must be noted that the figure 12 depicts that there are 12 Red, Green and Blue bulbs respectively which means that this particular module will be able to produce richer colors and in more variations than those that have lesser colored bulbs.

